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Tennessee Williams's A streetcar named desire / edited & with an introduction by Harold Bloom
Edité par Chelsea House. Philadelphia - 2005
Biographical sketch. The story behind the story. List of characters. Summary and analysis. Critical extracts. Normand Berlin on desire and the character dialectic. Frank Bradley on the metaphors of space. Bert Cardullo on Blanche's relationship with Stella. Ruby Cohn on modes of characterization. Mary Ann Corrigan on illusion and reality. Arthur Ganz on punishment and morality. Alice Griffin on the symbols of light and water. Britton J. Harwood on the ethics of Blanche and Williams. Esther Merle Jackson on the anti-heroic cycle. Philip C. Kolin on Mitch as Williams" suitor type. Brenda Murphy on Kazan's perception of Steve and Eunice. Jacqueline O'Connor on the patriarchy and commitment of females. Nicholas Pagan on the significance of names. Nicholas Pagan on the significance of music in characterization. Leonard Quirino on the metaphor of games and cards. John M. Roderick on Stanley as a psychological hero. Nancy Tisschler on Stanley and Blanche as anti-thetical idea.