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Sex and ethics : essays on sexuality, virtue, and the good life / edited by Raja Halwani
Edité par Palgrave Macmillan - 2007
Sexual desire and virtue in ancient philosophy / Juha Sihvola. Sex and the virtuous Kantian agent / Lara Denis. Feminism, virtue, and objectification / Martha C. Nussbaum. Sexuality and the unity of the virtues / Jonathan Jacobs. Sexual morality / Roger Scruton. On the prospects of chastity as a contemporary virtue / David Carr. Temperance / Peter Geach. Deliberation and sense-desire : the virtue of temperance / N.J.H. Dent. Sexual temperance and intemperance / Raja Halwani. Carnal wisdom and sexual virtue / Neera K. Badhwar. Intellectual virtue and knowing one's sexual identity / Heather D. Battaly. Coming out, outing, and virtue ethics / James S. Stramel. Components of virtues and stagnations in moral-sexual development / Jan Steutel and Ben Spiecker. The wrongness of adultery : a neo-Aristotelian approach / Dirk Baltzly. Pornography, health, and virtue / Stephen Kershnar. Casual sex, promiscuity, and temperance / Raja Halwani. Concealment and exposure : a mostly temperate and courageous afterword / Alan Soble.