A cross-cultural study of the persuasive effects of sexual and fear appealing messages : a comparison between France, Denmark, Thailand and Mexico

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

de Barnier, Virginie | Maille, Virginie | Valette-Florence, Pierre | Gallopel, Karine

Edité par HAL CCSD ; ACR Asia

International audience. This exploratory study investigates the moderating influence of culture on the persuasiveness of fear appeal versus sexual appeal in advertising. An experiment was conducted on a sample of 392 subjects (160 from France, 60 from Denmark, 100 from Thailand and 72 from Mexico). A univariate analysis of variance was performed with two main effects (country and type of ad) and one interaction effect. The findings revealed that all effects are statistically significant and that both the type of ad and the country where the data have been collected do have an effect on the attitude toward the brand (Ab). Globally, sexual appealing ads generate higher Ab than fear appealing messages. The highest Ab scores have been found in Mexico and Thailand whereas the lowest Ab scores have been measured with French subjects. Finally, limitations of this study are underlined and issues for further research are discussed.

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