Numerical and experimental identfcaton of factors influencing the pressure h...
Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès
Qabbal, Loubna | 2018
ACTI. International audience
Indoor air quality investigation in a ventilated demonstrator building via ...
Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès
Qabbal, Loubna | 2018
ACTI. International audience
Towards measuring indoor air quality and hygrothermal comfort with a smart ...
Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès
Qabbal, Loubna | 2018
ACTI. International audience
Du même sujet
The prediction of turbulent swirling jet flow
Archive ouverte: Article de revue
Naji, H. | 1986-02
International audience
Numerical investigation of transient thermal behavior of a wall incorporati...
Archive ouverte: Article de revue
Younsi, Zohir | 2016-11
International audience
An experimental investigation of interacting swirling multiple jets
Archive ouverte: Article de revue
Braikia, Mohamed | 2020
ACL. International audience.
This article deals with the experimental investigation of multiple interacting jets, which may be interested in many engineering applications such as design of a ventilation supply devic...
Experiments and Large-Eddy Simulations of Lobed and Swirling Turbulent Ther...
Archive ouverte: Article de revue
Bennia, A. | 2020-01-01
International audience
Numerical Approach to Improve Flushing Efficiency by a Dynamic Morphologica...
Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès
Ghoreishi, S. | 2008-07-27
International audience.
The process of sediment flushing is simulated by a 3D numerical model in which sediment and flow interaction are reflected in the reservoirs. RANS equations are solved numerically by finite v...
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