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Data structures and algorithms / Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D...

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Statistics for business and economics / Paul Newbold,...William L. Carlson,...

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The authors demonstrate how statistical results provide insights into business decisions and present solutions to contemporary business problems. New cases and more than 350 real business examples and memorable exercises, 150 of w...

Data science / John D. Kelleher and Brendan Tierney

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Intelligence artificielle et Big Data : naissance d'une nouvelle intelligen...

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Quantitative methods for business, management & finance / Louise Swift & Sa...

Livre | Swift, Louise. Auteur | 2010 - Third edition

This text is a complete course for undergraduate business studies students. It is a comprehensive text and provides all that any students new to quantitative methods needs, whatever their abilities

L' essentiel de la statistique pour l'économie et la gestion / Jean-Louis B...

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