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Ethical issues in cancer patient care / ed. by Peter Angelos,...
Edité par Springer - 2008 - 2nd ed.
Introduction.. An Open Letter to Doctors.. Physicians and Cancer Patients: Communication and Advance Directives.. Information is Not Enough: The Place of Statistics in the Doctor-Patient Relationship.. Cross-Cultural Issues in Caring for Patients with Cancer.. Hope and Communication in Cancer Care: What Patients Tell Us.. Addressing the Spiritual Needs of Patients.. Pediatric Cancer Care: Special Issues in Ethical Decision Making.. The Ethics of Responding to Pain and Suffering.. Are There Limits to Oncology Care? (Futility).. The Role of Palliative Medicine in Cancer Patient Care.. Holding On and Letting Go: Ethical Issues Regarding the Care of Children with Cancer.. Communicating Errors.. Research Ethics and the Ethics of Research: Should We Offer Clinical Trial Participation or Clinical Research Partnership to Oncology Patients in the New Millennium?- Does Reimbursement Affect Physicians’ Decision Making? Examples from the Use of Recombinant Erythropoietin.
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