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Globalizing employment relations : multinational firms and Central and Eastern Europe transitions / edited by Sylvie Contrepois ... [et al.]
Edité par Palgrave Macmillan. New York - 2011
"A unique exploration of the contributions made by multinational corporations to the difficult labour market transitions towards full integration of Central and Eastern Europe members of the European Union. This book considers the roles played by US, British and German multinational companies (MNCs) in Central and Eastern Europe"--
Machine generated contents note:. INTRODUCTION. Globalising Employment Relations and Crisis: the role of Multinational Company transfers to Central and Eastern Europe. FDI TRANSFERS AND CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. Exporting the American model of employee representation: institutional resistance and accommodation. MNC social transfers to CEE: British, US, Austrian and German experiences reviewed. Manufacturing and services FDI trajectories: colonial perceptions and union opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe. EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN DIFFERENT SECTORS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. Responses to recession: FDI in the finance and automobile sectors. MNCs, HRM and Social Dialogue in the East European Food Industry: the Principal Findings of a Field Survey. Exporting the German work model to Central and Eastern Europe. MULTINATIONALS AND HOST COUNTRIES IN THE CRISIS. Employment relations and the opening up to MNCs in Hungary. How French are French MNCs in Hungary?. MNCs and the transformation of Bulgarian employment relations'.. Polish employment relations under the challenge of FDI. Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Baltic States - Crisis, Conflict and Compromise. EUROPEAN SOCIAL INTEGRATION, MNCS AND CHANGE. Employee representation in MNC subsidiaries in CEE: management strategies, continuities and change. Central and Eastern European employment relations models and the challenge of change?. CEE: a laboratory to test new forms of employment relations.