New perspectives on the Book of Revelation / edited by Adela Yarbro Collins


Yarbro Collins, Adela (1945-....). Directeur de publication

Edité par Peeters - 2017

La 4e de couverture indique : "This volume contains the proceedings of the 64th 'Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense' (July 23-25, 2015) which dealt with the state of the question in research on the book of Revelation and the exploration of new perspectives and methods. Certain classic or well established approaches to the book of Revelation, such as the use of Scripture, the genre, establishing the text, and its peculiar Greek were assessed. But also newer approaches were represented, explored, and taken further, for example, the construction of time and space, theological issues raised by the work, ethical issues (violence), and various aspects of the history of interpretation, reception, 'lecture', and 'Wirkungsgeschichte'"

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