Conflicts of interest : challenges and solutions in business, law, medicine, and public policy / edited by Don A. Moore, Daylian M. Cain, George Lowenstein... [et al.]


Edité par Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, New York - 2005

Managing conflicts of interest within organizations : does activating social values change the impact of self-interest on behavior? / Tom R. Tyler. Commentary : on Tyler's "Managing conflicts of interest within organizations" / Robyn Dawes. A review of experimental and archival conflicts-of-interest research in auditing / Mark W. Nelson. Commentary : conflicts of interest in accounting / Don A. Moore. Bounded ethicality as a psychological barrier to recognizing conflicts of interest / Dolly Chugh, Max H. Bazerman, Mahzarin R. Banaji. Commentary : bounded ethicality and conflicts of interest / Ann E. Tenbrunsel. Coming clean but playing dirtier : the shortcomings of disclosure as a solution to conflicts of interest / Daylian M. Cain, George Loewenstein, Don A. Moore. Commentary : psychologically naive assumptions about the perils of conflicts of interest / Dale T. Miller. Physicians' financial ties with the pharmaceutical industry : a critical element of a formidable marketing network / Jerome P. Kassirer. Commentary : how did we get into this mess? / Peter A. Ubel. Why are (some) conflicts of interests in medicine so uniquely vexing? / Andrew Stark. Commentary : financial conflicts of interest and the identity of academic medicine / Scott Y.H. Kim. Legal responses to conflicts of interest / Samuel Issacharoff. Commentary : conflicts of interest begin where principal-agent problems end / George Loewenstein. Confilicts of interest and strategic ignorance of harm / Jason Dana. Commentary : strategic ignorance of harm / Daylian M. Cain. Conflicts of interest in public policy research / Robert J. MacCoun. Commentary : conflicts of interest in policy analysis : compliant pawns in their game? / Baruch Fischhoff. Conflict of interest as an objection to consequentialist moral reasoning / Robert H. Frank. Commentary : conflict of interest as a threat to consequentialist reasoning / David M. Messick.

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