The economics of happiness : how the Easterlin paradox transformed our understanding of well-being and progress / Mariano Rojas, editor


Rojas, Mariano Jacobo. Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Springer - 2019

"This book presents a panoramic view of the implications from Richard Easterlin's groundbreaking work on happiness and economics. Contributions in the book show the relevance of the Easterlin Paradox to main areas, such as the relationship between income and happiness, the relationship between economic growth and well-being, conceptions of progress and development, design and evaluation of policies for well-being, and the use of happiness research to address welfare economics issues. This book is unique in the sense that it gathers contributions from senior and top researchers in the economics of happiness, whom have played a central role in the consolidation of happiness economics, as well as promising young scholars, showing the current dynamism and consolidation of happiness economics."--From back cover

Part I. Introduction. Part II. Income and happiness. Part III. Happiness in welfare economics. Part IV. Applications of happiness in economics. Part V. Happiness in development. Part 6. Happiness along the life course and the social context.

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