Justice and Christian ethics / E. Clinton Gardner,..


Gardner, E. Clinton. Auteur

Edité par Cambridge University Press - 1995

1. Introduction. The relations of law and religion. A study in theological ethics. Method of inquiry. Procedure. 2. The classical tradition of virtue. Justice based on virtue. The structures of justice. Moral components of justice. The insufficiency of justice. 3. The righteousness of God and human justice. The theocentric character of biblical faith. Biblical conceptions of covenant. The relation of covenant to law. The law and the prophets. The structure of covenantal justice. Forms of justice. 4. Justice in the Puritan covenantal tradition. Historical background. The two covenants: works and grace. The covenantal basis of community. Justice and virtue. Justice and law: equity. Justice as a public trust. Rights and liberties. 5. John Locke: justice and the social compact. The law of nature. Natural rights. The social compact. Justice. Locke's concept of property. Justice and charity. Trust. 6. The American Republic. a case study: civic virtue and the public good. The ideological roots of the Republic. Covenant and compact in colonial America. The creation of the Republic (1776-1787). An experiment in representative democracy. Law, religion, and the democratic process. 7. Covenant, justice, and law. The covenantal basis of society. Virtue, covenant, and pluralism. Covenant, responsibility, and accountability. Accountability and democracy. Justice as obligation. Natural rights. Human rights. Covenant: human rights and the common good. Justice as vocation. The renewal and transformation of justice.

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