Worst case bioethics : death, disaster, and public health / George J. Annas


Annas, George J.. Auteur

Edité par Oxford University Press - 2010

"Bioethics, still in its infancy, is routinely called on by the government to provide political cover for controversial public health decisions involving the life and death of Americans. Doomsday or worst-case scenarios are often at the heart of these biopolitical decisions. A central feature of science fiction, these scenarios can impart useful insights. But worst-case scenarios, like Frankenstein's monster, can also be unpredictably destructive, undermining both preparedness and the very values, bioethics seeks to promote. Discovering a new flu strain, for example, leads immediately to visions of the 1918 flu pandemic, the worst in human history. Likewise, a "ticking time bomb" scenario leads to the use of physicians for torture, and the all purpose worst case charge of "socialism" threatens to derail meaningful healthcare reform." "In Worst Case Bioethics George Annas employs contemporary disputes involving death and disaster to explore the radical changes underway in public health practice, the application of constitutional law to medicine, and human rights discourse to promote human health and well-being. Worst-case scenarios, especially worst-case bioethics scenarios, distort debate, limit options, rationalize human rights abuses, and undermine equality and social justice. It is, nonetheless, possible to temper worst-case scenarios in ways that promote both the development of a meaningful American bioethics, and a life and liberty affirming global health and human rights movement."--Jaquette

American healthcare. Bioterror and bioart. State of emergency. Licensed to torture. Hunger strikes. War. Cancer. Drug dealing. Toxic tinkering. Abortion. Culture of death. Patient safety. Global health. Statue of security. Pandemic fear. Bioidentifiers. Genetic genocide.

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