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International business : themes and issues in the modern global economy / Debra Johnson and Colin Turner
Edité par Routledge. London, New York - 2003
With a challenging new approach to its subject matter, this book addresses international business with globalization as its underlying theme. Illustrating globalization as a phenomenon that is fundamentally altering corporate strategy, this book considers the complexities of globalization and its impact on international business. By doing so, it is entirely unlike other books on the subject. The book also considers subjects often neglected by other books, such as MNEs, SMEs and the information economy, while encouraging business students to develop a more international perspective and discard parochial tendencies. It is with this lucid approach that International Business provides students with an integrated overview of the field, business that is both theoretical and highly practical. The book is divided into three sections: globalization and the context of international business; enterprise issues in the global economy; challenges for the global resource base. Key topics covered include: regional integration, development and international production, global competition, culture and ethics, labour issues, financial integration and greening of international business. The book also features contemporary international case studies, discussion questions and suggestions for further reading
Chapter 1: Globalization and the changing business environment. Chapter 2: Regional integration and globablization. 3. Governance issues in an integrating world economy. Chapter 4: Development and international production. Chapter 5: Multinationals: conduits of globalization. Chapter 6: Globalizing small and medium-sized enterprises: the emergence of micronationals. Chapter 7: The global trading environment within product markets. Chapter 8: The global trading environment within service markets. Chapter 9: Global competition issues. Chapter 10: Culture and ethics. Chapter 11: Labour issues in the global economy. Chapter 12: The International Monetary System: promoting financial integration. Chapter 13: The global economy as an information economy. Chapter 14: Greening international business: boom or bust?. Chapter 15: Energy: the case of a global and globalizing industry. Chapter 16: International business in a changing world.