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Trust : forms, foundations, functions, failures and figures / Bart Nooteboom
Edité par E.Elgar. Cheltenham, Northampton - 2002
La quatrième de couverture indique : "Trust is an elusive concept, meaning different things to different people, and so needs to be clearly defined. By focusing on relations within and between firms, Bart Nooteboom undertakes to produce a clearer definition of trust ans its role in the economy. Trust deals with a range of questions such as : what are the roles of trust ? What can we trust in ? Can trust serve as an instruments for the governance of relations ? Is trust a substitute, a precondition, or an outcome of contracts ? The author then goes on to analyse what trust is based on, what its limits are, how it grows and how it can also break down. The role of intermediaries is also discussed. Bart Nooteboom argues that trust goes beyond calculative self-interest and that blind, unconditional trust is unwise. He then examines the paradox of how trust can be non-calculative and yet, not blind. The book also reveals ways to measure and model trust, its antecedents and its consequences."