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Intergenerational justice / edited by Axel Gosseries and Lukas H. Meyer
Edité par Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York - 2009
Identity and obligation in a transgenerational polity / Janna Thompson. LibertariantTheories of intergenerational justice / Hillel Steiner & Peter Vallentyne. A contract on future generations? / Stephen M. Gardiner. Three models of intergenerational reciprocity / Axel Gosseries. Exploitation and future generations / Christopher Bertram. A value or an obligation? Rawls on justice to future generations / David Heyd. A trans-generational difference principle / Daniel Attas. Enough for the future / Lukas H. Meyer and Dominic Roser. Wronging future people / Rahul Kumar. What motivates us to care for the (distant) future? / Dieter Birnbacher. Preference formation and intergenerational justice / Krister Bykvist. Egalitarianism and population change / Gustaf Arrhenius. Intergenerational Justice: human needs, and climate policy / Clark Wolf. The problem of a perpetual constitution / Victor M. Muniz-Fraticelli.