Essential mathematics for economic analysis / Knut Sydsæter, Peter Hammond, Arne Strøm... [et al.]


Sydsaeter, Knut (1937-2012). Antécédent bibliographique | Hammond, Peter J. (1945-....). Continuateur | Strøm, Arne (1941-....). Continuateur | Carvajal, Andrés (19..-....). Continuateur

Edité par Pearson - 2021 - 6th edition

Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 6th edition by Sydsaeter, Hammond, Strom and Carvajal is a global best-selling text that provides an extensive introduction to all the mathematical tools you need to study economics at intermediate level. Renowned for its scope, this book covers a broad range of mathematical knowledge, techniques and tools, progressing from elementary calculus to more advanced topics. With a wealth of practice examples, questions and solutions integrated throughout, as well as opportunities to apply them in specific economic situations, this book will help you develop key mathematical skills as your course progresses.

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