Narrative and technology ethics / Wessel Reijers, Mark Coeckelbergh


Coeckelbergh, Mark (19..-....). Auteur

Edité par Palgrave Macmillan. Cham, Switzerland - 2020

This book proposes that technologies, similar to texts, novels and movies, tell stories and thereby configure our lifeworld in the Digital Age.The impact of technologies on our lived experience is ever increasing: innovations in robotics challenge the nature of work, emerging biotechnologies impact our sense of self, and blockchain-based smart contracts profoundly transform interpersonal relations. In their exploration of the significance of these technologies, Reijers and Coeckelbergh build on the philosophical hermeneutics of Paul Ricouer to construct a new, narrative approach to the philosophy and ethics of technology. Reijers and Coeckelbergh take the reader on a journey: from a discussion of the philosophy of praxis, via a hermeneutic notion of technical practice that draws from MacIntyre, Heidegger and Ricour, through the virtue ethics of Vallor and Ricoeurs ethical aim, to the eventual construction of a practice method which can guide ethics in research and innovation. In its creation of a compelling hermeneutic ethics of technology, the book offers a concrete framework for practitioners to incorporate ethics in everyday technical practice

Introduction. Praxis and contemporary philosophy of technology. Ricoeur's hermeneutic concept of technical practice. A narrative theory of technology --Narrative ethics of technical practice. A method for technology ethics. Conclusion: Hermeneutic ethics for the digital age.

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