Handbook of diversity in parent education : the changing faces of parenting and parent education / edited by Marvin J. Fine,... Steven W. Lee,...


Edité par Academic Press - 2001

American families in the 1990s and beyond / Dennis H. Karpowitz. Gender issues in parenting : parenting teenage girls / Lauren Ayers. Teaching about sexual diversity : a new frontier for parenthood educators / Donna Swall and Forrest Swall. Parenting and ethnicity / Diane McDermott. Parenting in the global community : a cross-cultural international perspective / John Bennett and Liam K. Grimley. A psychoeducational program for parents of dysfunctional backgrounds / Marvin J. Fine and Katherine F. Wardle. Supportive family training : education and support for the parents of persons with serious mental illness / Sheila Le Gacy. Parent education for fathers / Stephen T. Sirridge. Grandparents raising grandchildren / Oliver W. Edwards. Parenting emotionally disturbed children / Eric M. Vernberg and Anabella Pavon. Parenting children with learning disabilities / Paula E. Lancaster. Parenting children with brain injury / William J. Warzak and Cynthia M. Anderson. Parenting chronically ill children / Steven W. Lee and Thomas P. Guck. Education programs for parents and families of children and youth with developmental disabilities / Earle Knowlton and Douglas Mulanax. Educating parents to be advocates for their children / Michelle L. Moriarty and Marvin J. Fine. Managing crisis : intervention skills for parents / K.C. Lazzara and Scott Poland.

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