Public health : an action guide to improving health / [éditer par]John Walley,..., John Wright,...


Edité par Oxford University Press - 2010 - 2nd ed.

Many of the health problems in the developing world can be tackled or prevented through public health measures such as essential health care, improving living conditions, water, sanitation, nutrition, immunization and the adoption of healthy lifestyles. This book is an action guide to improving public/community health in low-income countries. It is unique in its comprehensive coverage within the public health framework. It explains how you can use public health approaches to develop effective health services to promote health and prevent disease. Practical methods are given for assessing health needs and working within communities to develop and evaluate district and community-based health services. Clear language is used to describe key skills in chapters on epidemiology, managing medicines, communicable disease control, mother and child epidemiology, health promotion, health financing, managing and implementing public health programmes. Issues such as appropriate health policy, social-inequalities, gender and power relationships are explored in an approach which places the participation and empowerment of communities at the core of an effective response

Public health and the burden of disease. Public health interventions. Epidemiology in practice. Assessing health needs. Choosing the best public health interventions. Planning, implementing, and managing interventions. Understanding and using health economics and financing. Health promotion. Health policy and systems. Developing a district health care service. Maternal, neonatal, and child health. Essential drugs. communicable disease control principles and toolkit. Controlling major communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases. Quality control, safety, and better practice. Future trends in global public health.

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