Euros and Europeans : monetary integration and the European model of society / edited by Andrew Martin and George Ross


Edité par Cambridge University Press. Cambridge - 2004

1. Introduction / Andrew Martin and George Ross. 2. The EMU, macroeconomic policy regime and the European social model / Andrew Martin. 3. Shaping a polity in an economic and monetary union: the EU in comparative perspective / Alberta M. Sbragia. 4. Monetary integration and the French model / George Ross. 5. EMU and German welfare capitalism / Nico A. Siegel. 6. Maastricht to modernization : EMU and the Italian social state / Vincent Della Sala. 7. Constraint or motor? Monetary integration and the construction of a social model in Spain / Sofia A. Perez. 8. The Netherlands : monetary integration and the "Polder" model / Jos De Beus. 9. Belgium : monetary integration and precarious federalism / Philippe Pochet. 10. The political dynamics of external empowerment : the emergence of EMU and the challenge to European social model / Kevin Featherstone. 11. Welfare reform in the shadow of EMU / Anton Hemerijck and Maurizio Ferrera. 12. Industrial relations in EMU : are renationalization and Europeanization two sides of the same coin? / Jon-Erik Dølvik. 13. Conclusions / Andrew Martin and George Ross.

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