The ethics of genetic screening / edited by Ruth Chadwick,..., Darren Shickle,..., Henk Ten Have,... and Urban Wiesing,...


Edité par Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1999

Ch. 1. The Wilson and Jungner principles of screening and genetic testing. Ch. 2. Genetic screening, information and counselling in Austria. Ch. 3. The Belgian perspective on genetic screening. Ch. 4. Thalassemia prevention in Cyprus. Past, present and future. Ch. 5. Some developments in genetic screening in Finland. Ch. 6. Genetic screening: ethical debates and regulatory systems in France. Ch. 7. Screening in Germany: carrier screening, pre-natal care and other screening projects. Ch. 8. Population screening in Greece for prevention of genetic diseases. Ch. 9. Ethics and genetic screening in the Republic of Ireland. Ch. 10. Genetic screening in the Netherlands. The state of the debate. Ch. 11. Genetic screening and genetic services in Slovakia. Ch. 12. Historical and social background. Introduction. Ch. 13. From eugenics to genetic screening. Historical problems of human genetic applications. Ch. 14. Genetics in Germany. History and hysteria. Ch. 15. A sociological perspective on genetic screening. Ch. 16. Moral and philosophical issues. Introduction. Ch. 17. Genetic information and care. Ch. 18. Genetic testing, genetic screening and privacy. Ch. 19. Reconciling liberty and the common good? Genetic screening in the Republic of Ireland. Ch. 20. Genetic screening and testing. A moral map. Ch. 21. The genetic testing of children.

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