A feminist companion to Esther, Judith and Susanna / edited by Athalya Brenner


Edité par T&T Clark International. London, New York - 2004

Esther : folklore, wisdom, feminism, and authority / Susan Niditch. An oriental beauty parlour : an analysis of Esther 2.8-18 in the Hebrew, the Septuagint and the second Greek text / Kristin De Troyer. Looking at Esther through the looking glass / Athalya Brenner. Mirror, mirror in the text : reflections on reading and rereading / Alice Bach. Tracing Esther's beginnings / Timothy K. Beal. Esther : the incomplete emancipation of a queen / Bea Wyler. Esther and the queen's throne / Zefira Gitay. Honor and shame in Esther / Lillian R. Klein. Esther revisited : an aggadic approach / Leila Leah Bronner. Esther's story / Diane Wolkstein. Sacrifice and salvation : otherness and domestication in the book of Judith / Amy-Jill Levine. Judith as alternative leader : a rereading of Judith 7-13 / Jan Willem van Henten. Head hunting : J̀udith' on the cutting edge of knowledge / Mieke Bal. The accused : Susanna and her readers / Jennifer A. Glancy. H̀emmed in on every side' : Jews and women in the book of Susanna / Amy-Jill Levine.

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