The ethics of genetic commerce / edited by Robert W. Kolb


Edité par Blackwell Pub.. Malden, MA, Oxford - 2007

Is a genetics screening program for job applicants ethical? : an analysis of the conditions necessary for requiring genetic screenings in the hiring process / Thomas Harter. The business ethics of genetic screening / Duane Windsor. Genetic commerce : the challenges for human resource management / Karen S. Markel and Lizabeth A. Barclay. Geneticize me! : the case for direct-to-consumer genetic testing / Ronald Munson. Proscription, prescription, or market process? : comments on genetic screening / Eugene Heath. Transgenic organisms, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization / Dennis Cooley. Commercialization of the agrarian ideal and arguments against the new "green revolution" : feeding the world with "frankenfoods"? / Johann A. Klaassen. Corporate decisions about labeling genetically modified foods / Chris MacDonald and Melissa Whellams. Moral imagination, stakeholder engagement, and genetically modified organisms / Denis G. Arnold. Who owns my ideas about your body? / Asher Meir. Pharmaceutical mergers and genetic technology / Michael Potts. Stakeholder care theory : the case of genetic engineering and non-human mammals / Jamie R. Hendry. Unresolved issues and further questions : Meir, Potts, and Hendry / Laura P. Hartman.

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