Progress in bioethics : science, policy, and politics / edited by Jonathan D. Moreno and Sam Berger


Edité par MIT Press - 2010

Introduction. Bioethics as politics. Bioethics progressing / Sam Berger and Jonathan D. Moreno. Can there be a progressive bioethics? / Richard Lempert. Bioethics as progressive. Politics, progressivism, and bioethics / R. Alta Charo. Bioethics : the new conservative crusade / Kathryn Hinsch. Justice that you must pursue : a progressive American bioethics / Laurie Zoloth. The sociology of political bioethics. Professionalism and politics : biomedicalization and the rise of bioethics / Paul Root Wolpe. The tension between progressive bioethics and religion / John H. Evans. Can national bioethics commissions be progressive? should they? / Eric M. Meslin. Conflicting views of biotechnology. Technoprogressive biopolitics and human enhancement / James J. Hughes. Biopolitics, mythic science, and progressive values / Marcy Darnovsky. Progress beyond politics?. Can bioethics transcend ideology? (and should it?) / Arthur L. Caplan. A Catholic progressive on care and conscience / Michael Rugnetta. Reforming health care : ends and means / Daniel Callahan. Finding common ground in bioethics? / William F. May. Afterword.

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