Ethical foundations of palliative care for Alzheimer disease / edited by Ruth B. Purtilo,... and Henk A.M.J. ten Have,...


Edité par Johns Hopkins University Press - 2004

Darkness cometh: personal, social, and economic burdens of Alzheimer disease / Richard L. O'Brien. Neuropathology and symptomatology in Alzheimer disease: implications for caregiving and competence / Roger A. Brumback. The clinical challenge of uncertain diagnosis and prognosis in patients with dementia / David A. Bennahum. Expanding the scope of palliative care / Henk A.M.J. ten Have. Hospital-based palliative care and dementia, or what do we treat patients for and how do we do it? / Marcel G.M. Olde Rikkert and Anne-Sophie Rigaud. Elderly persons with advanced dementia: an opportunity for a palliative culture in medicine / Pierre Boitte. Autonomy and the lived body in the cases of severe dementia / Wim J.M. Dekkers. The moral self as patient / Judith Lee Kissell. The practice of palliative care and the theory of medical ethics: Alzheimer disease as an example / Rien Janssens. The tendency of contemporary decision-making strategies to deny the condition of Alzheimer disease / Jos V.M. Welie. Advance directives and end-of-life decision making in Alzheimer disease: practical challenges / Winifred J. Ellenchild Pinch. Saying no to patients with Alzheimer disease: rethinking relations among personhood, autonomy, and world / Franz J. Illhardt. The ethical challenge of treating pain in Alzheimer disease: a dental case / Gunilla Nordenram. Alzheimer disease and euthanasia / Bert Gordijn. The role of nurses and nursing education in the palliative care of patients and their families / Elizabeth Furlong. Ethical dimensions of Alzheimer disease decision making: the need for early patient and family education / Linda S. Scheirton. Changing patterns of protection and care for incapacitated adults: perspectives from a European society in transition / Eugenijus Gefenas. Social marginalization of persons with disability: justice considerations for Alzheimer disease / Ruth B. Purtilo. Biomedical research in Alzheimer disease / Patricio F. Reyes. Conducting research in the Alzheimer disease population: balancing individual, group, family, and societal interests / Søren Holm. Drugs and dementia: pharmacotherapy and decision making by primary caregivers / Amy M. Haddad.

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