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Personal identity and resurrection : how do we survive our death? / edited by Georg Gasser...
Edité par Ashgate Pub.. Farnham, Surrey, England, Burlington, VT - 2010
Resurrection, personal identity, and the will of God / Stephen T. Davis ; Bodily resurrection : the falling elevator model revisited / Dean Zimmerman ; Immanent causation and life after death / Eric T. Olson ; Dimensionalism and survival : a process ontological approach / Godehard Brüntrup ; Multiple location and single location resurrection / Hud Hudson ; Bodily resurrection : when metaphysics needs phenomenology / Thomas Schärtl ; Personhood, bodily self-ascription, and resurrection : a Kantian approach / Johannes Haag ; The same body again? : Thomas Aquinas on the numerical identity of the resurrected body / Bruno Niederbacher ; Persons and the metaphysics of resurrection / Lynne Rudder Baker ; Hylomorphism and the constitution view / Josef Quitterer ; Constitution, resurrection, and relationality / Kevin Corcoran ; Joseph Ratzinger on resurrection identity / Christian Tapp ; The rationale behind Purgatory / Nikolaus Wandinger ; Scientific insights into the problem of personal identity in the context of a Christian theology of resurrection and eschatology / Robert J. Russell..