Climate ethics : essential readings / edited by Stephen M. Gardiner, Simon Caney, Dale Jamieson, and Henry Shue


Edité par Oxford University Press - 2010

Ethics and global climate change / Stephen M. Gardiner. The economics of climate change / Nicholas Stern. Ethics, public policy, and global warming / Dale Jamieson. A perfect moral storm: climate change, intergenerational ethics, and the problem of moral corruption / Stephen M. Gardiner. Global environment and international inequality / Henry Shue. Energy policy and the further future: the identity problem / Derek Parfit. Cosmopolitan justice, responsibility, and global climate change / Simon Caney. Deadly delays, saving opportunities: creating a more dangerous world? / Henry Shue. Climate change, human rights, and moral thresholds / Simon Caney. One atmosphere / Peter Singer. Subsistence emissions and luxury emissions / Henry Shue. Greenhouse development rights: a framework for climate protection that is "more fair" than equal per capita emissions rights / Paul Baer, with Tom Athanasiou, Sivan Kartha, and Eric Kemp-Benedict. Selling environmental indulgences / Robert E. Goodin. Adaptation to climate change: who pays whom? / Paul Baer. Adaption, mitigation, and justice / Dale Jamieson. Is "arming the future" with geoengineering really the lesser evil?: Some doubts about the ethics of intentionally manipulating the climate system / Stephen M. Gardiner. When utilitarians should be virtue theorists / Dale Jamieson. It's not my fault: global warming and individual moral obligations / Walter Sinnott-Armstrong.

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