Macroeconomics : a european perspective / Olivier Blanchard, Alessia Amighini and Francesco Giavazzi


Blanchard, Olivier (1948-....). Auteur | Amighini, Alessia. Auteur | Giavazzi, Francesco (1949-....). Auteur

Edité par Pearson - 2017 - 3rd edition

La 4e de couverture indique : "This book gives students a thorough understanding of macroeconomics by taking a unified view of the subject, allowing connections to be made between the short, medium and long run. The book has been re-written almost from scratch after a thorough re-think of how macroeconomics should be taught after the financial crisis. Among the new features: · The text recognizes that modern central banks set interest rates, not the quantity of money: this gets rid of the LM curve greatly simplifying the discussion of financial markets. · It presents the Medium Run starting directly from the Phillips curve, thus avoiding the intermediate AS-AD step which was clunky, and, for good reasons, undergraduates find it difficult to understand. Output above potential, or unemployment below the natural rate put upward pressure on inflation. The nature of the pressure depends on the formation of expectations, an issue central to current developments. · The yield curve now incorporates a risk premium, whose fluctuations have been central to the crisis, especially since Quantitative Easing policies have shown that monetary policy can affect this premium."

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