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Du même auteur

One flew over the cuckoo's nest / Ken Kesey

Livre | Kesey, Ken (1935-2001). Auteur | 2005

Du même sujet

The client / John Grisham

Livre | Grisham, John (1955-....). Auteur | 1994

Native son / Richard Wright

Livre | Wright, Richard (1908-1960). Auteur | 2000

American pastoral / Philip Roth

Livre | Roth, Philip (1933-2018). Auteur | 2019

Swede Levov is living the American dream. He glides through life cocooned by his devoted family, lucrative business, sporting prowess and good looks. He is the embodiment of thriving, post-war America, land of liberty and hope. Un...

The privileges : a novel / Jonathan Dee

Livre | Dee, Jonathan (1962-....). Auteur | 2010 - 2010 Random House Trade Paperback Edition

Le roman américain / Ronan Ludot-Vlasak, Jean-Yves Pellegrin

Livre | Ludot-Vlasak, Ronan (1976-....). Auteur | 2011

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