Sliding Mode Observers for High Voltage Multilevel converters

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Gateau, Guillaume | Lienhardt, Anne-Marie | Meynard, Thierry A.

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience. This paper presents a new observation strategy of the capacitor voltages dedicated to high voltage Stacked Multicell Converters (SMC). The proper operation of this particular converter relies on the equal repartition of the voltage constraints over the semiconductors. That imposes that the capacitor voltages remain constant. These voltages can be actively controlled so as to ensure this requirement but this procedure necessitates the knowledge of those quantities at each time but it is both difficult and expensive to measure them considering the voltage levels, which motivates the actual research scope. The solution presented in this paper is based on a sliding mode observation of the capacitor voltages by means of phase current measurements.

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